Thursday, July 2, 2009

Caution: Emo Post

phew... I have a lot on my chest.

I'm at work, and I really need to be working, but I have this twinge in my heart and it won't go away. uhh...

I know this is so emo to write in a stupid blog that no one reads, but whatever. It works. I won't go into details, but I will throw out some thoughts.

If there is one thing I have learned in the past couple weeks it's that we are not here to judge. No matter what you do or what someone has done to you, we are not here to judge. We are here to love. There have been certain situations around me, and within my life, where I have looked at what is going on, and all I could think was....if we just had the mind of Christ, or could just step away for a second we would understand things are greater than our little minds can think.

Here's a thought for you:
The next time you are angry with someone, think about what they are going through. Just maybe that day is the anniversary of their brother's death and they needed to be alone..Or maybe they just lost their job and you called at that perfect moment.

Sometimes it makes me absolutely CRAZY looking at people judging others, and drawing conclusions about people's character when they are so narrow minded and can't seem to see past their own judgement.

It breaks my heart makes me sick. and as I am saying this, I see the plank in my own eye, and I know that I too judge others because of conclusions I draw...but I am making a point to see EACH person I come in contact with as a child of Christ...and no matter how bad they slip up, or confuse me, to be more understanding and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe the next time you go to judge someone's actions, you should remember that you love them and that you too are not perfect...

Here WE go..I'm writing an article about Hayden P. and here is a quote she told Seventeen Magazine:

"I remember somebody saying they were sitting at lunch near young girls in a school. These two girls were talking about this one girl and telling this story about how horrible she was, and then they turned to another girl who was being quiet and asked her what she thought. And she turned to them and said, 'I'm sorry, I can't talk about anyone who's not here to defend themselves.' Everything that comes out, unless that person is there to defend themselves, how can you really judge? There's always two sides to a story. Always. Sometimes three."

This only makes me so appreciative for my friendships...

The true test of friendship:
Going through hard times...When I was with brittany last night..we just reveled in our friendship and how much we had gone through together... I don't even remember this, but Brittany was the first person I called when Dust died....and she was the person who told me that Danen died...she was there when I found out a boy I thought I loved was with someone else..that I also loved. Girl has been through Sh** and back..but more than that...I remember a time where...we wronged each other.
I remember a night sitting in my sink, sick to my stomach because I found out something that happened with B. It was hurtful, but all I cared about was that me and Brittany would be ok in the end. That's the beauty of love. It sees past imperfection....

Gotta go, my man is back in the City.



Tatum. said...

This was just great.

jac kennedy said...
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jac kennedy said...
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