This past weekend was great. Friday I went to The Bitter End bar in the West Village and watched some bands play!! Very eclectic and fun. I went with Lo and Matt, and it was divine.
Saturday I had my intern party at BBQ's and went with Brittany to Steve's going away party. Gotta love Mormon dance parties. You know me and britt are always the first and last on the dance floor! There was this guy who was 6'1" and he was gettin down with us...It was quite the party. Sunday I was utterly exhausted but worked for RED BULL!! at the Gay Pride Parade. It was INSANE, but so much fun!
Last night I watched the Bachelorette with Lorin and Brittany Diana. I am so lucky to have such stellar friends in the City...I really am.
Here's some love and fun in the City for you
Me and Lo in the West Side Village
At the Concert. Lo was putting on lipstick, not flipping off the camera