Thursday, May 14, 2009


Ahhh...Back in Utah.

I arrived right around midnight on Tuesday night. The flight was crazy long. I had a precious little girl next to me who had a huge afro and fell asleep on me. It was her first time flying, and her enthusiasm inspired me. The way she was so excited about take off made me think of just how cool it is to fly. What a crazy concept. We are thousands of thousands of miles in the air with the rest of the world below us. Pretty Crazy.

Something I learned in Utah..At BYU you must have a BEARD card if you wish to have facial hair. This concept just boggles my mind....I made a fake one for alex..He found it pretty amusing. A beard card? Really? I guess that's a private religious school for ya. At UGA we have no shave November where we award men for having the longest/grossest beard at the end of the Month of November....Interesting.

Here is an example of a beard that I think it awesome! My friend Nate Moore decided to make a promise, or covenant, with the Lord and grew out his beard for one year. He said that every time it got annoying, or someone commented on it, he was remembered of why he was doing it, and was reminded of how awesome Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven is!..
Oh nate..

Funny guy, Great beard.

One more question about the beard card...Would Jesus have to get one?...Just sayin...I would certainly not want to be the person asking Jesus to get permission to have his beard.

hahaaaaa...So I am currently in Alex's Sociology class..and we just got pasta and put it in our bag, and it exploded all over Alex's computer...hahah Pasta on the computer!!

Well...My Utah adventure has already begun. Lots of stuff later.

In the words of AP,
Haley Puff

1 comment:

Erin Masi said...

Hey girl!! If you have a chance while you're out here, I'd love to see you!!!!