Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mini Mission update

Day 1:
I learned that sweating for others gives more satisfaction that sweating at the gym...
I learned that if you just look around God is everywhere in everything
I learned that a christian band can get really old when that's all you can listen to
I learned that not talking to my boyfriend is a lot harder than i thought
I learned that trying to serve at home was going to be difficult
I learned that if you look closely you can see what areas of your life need to change
I learned that helping others can make you really tired.

Day 2:
I learned that some days are hard
I learned you have to serve without expecting reward or thankfulness
I learned you have to keep smiling
I learned that a closed door is a missionary metaphor
I learned that it's really easy to cheat and call your boyfriend
I learned that facebook is more of a temptation than i thought
I learned that focusing is difficult
I learned the virtue of patience
I learned there are more important things in life than making money
I learned why my father is so unhappy
I learned a lot about my little sister
I learned a lot about myself

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