Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogfest part 1

So I wrote these blogs on the plane ride about 3 weeks Ill just post them each day this week. then update you on whats going on now! "You"- I have no idea who that is...but here "you" go ..

I have so many things that I want to document for myself and find it nearly impossible to write down everything that I have done since I got to California. My life took a complete 180 when I went from living with my parents completely dependent on them and in a secure loving relationship to living and providing for myself and entering into an entirely different chapter, hell, book of my life. Both things are quite frightening yet have taught me so much more than I knew I would want to know and have shaped me into who I am right now and who I will continue to grow to be. I am such a happy girl. I have always dreamed of living in California, but it has far exceeded my expectation.. As I sit here and write of my love affair with California, I should start with explaining that I am currently flying into the sweet Georgia state to surprise my sweet mama and family. I miss them more than I can even begin to express. I cried tears of joy as I felt the plane take off headed towards my heart, my home. The thought of hugging my family is making me cry right now..I never understood what A meant when he was on his mission and said that he wasn't homesick, but people sick. He never admitted to wanting to come home, but wanting us to be there with him. I can understand that now. I don't miss GEORGIA necessarily.. at times I do..But mostly I miss the people who if you piece them together make up my heart. I miss my bed, my parents, my friends, my church(es)..I can't wait to revisit all these parts of me this weekend.

I want to start this blog fest by just explaining some things that I have done or tried since I moved to California.

1. I drove across the country with my best friend. We laughed, cried and harmonized for thousands of miles, and it was one of the most satisfying things I have done yet.

2. I have adopted words such as rad, dope, bro, sick, gnarly

3. I saw my first movie in IMAX

4. I started really managing my money and doing things that I want to do, and also paying for things I don't want to ( like an emergency dental procedure that cost me about a grand)

5. Adopted a love for Which Wich and dubstep/ techno DJ music (slowly..very slowly)

6. Rode on the back of a really fast racing bike on the Pacific Coast Highway while the sunset with one of my favorite boys I have met since moving here

7. Learned how to do a trick on a skateboard

8. Learned my first song on a guitar and actually could sing and play it at the same time

9. Went on dates and felt desired by more than just one person

10. Learned how to throw a frisbee and play Ultimate Frisbee

11. Went on a really beautiful and somewhat challenging hike

12. Started working out with a personal trainer and found that I'm a lot stronger than I thought.

13. Learned how to say no (and am working on it)

14. Walked around the ocean with hundreds on sting rays around me, and CHOSE to do it!

15. Became part of a crew of people who play volleyball on Sundays and brunch and cook out together almost every weekend

And that's just a brief introduction to my new life in sunny southern California…Did I mention how happy I am?

1 comment:

Rae said...

I loved reading this Haley. :)