Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Skype Me!

Right now, I am currently watching Alex sleep. On the computer that is...we are skyping..Something that I have come OH so grateful for..

In NY we would have dinner dates and eat together

When he was at BYU we would fall asleep with the computer on and wake up and see each other

and now, well we skype every single night. It's pretty entertaining and sometimes we just turn it on and go about daily life..like right now. I was reading and he was studying and fell asleep and I looked up and there he was so peaceful! I was DL-ing some pics on my computer..so here is a little glimpse of how we make long distance work, and yes I consider ATL to Athens long distance still..even though it def beats Africa:

This was tonight skyping! This is a majority of how we make it work.
and cheesing..
Spending time in Athens together
LOTS of Anniversary dinners
ALOT of missing each other..
Lots of date nights--and Alex's refusal to smile for pictures
Lots of BI-COASTAL dating
Going to fun concerts--this one was John Mayer
Giving Presents to each other---He is putting on his new Jordans I bought him..Why I support that, I will never know..
Taking Time for Holidays with both families..(and teaching Jackson how to pee on a tree...this was taken shortly after haha)
Lots of GYM encouragment..I'm not a huge fan of gym pics but I send them to AP
Lots and LOts and LOTS of Lake time..close to Athens and home!
Lots of Driving..
and Alex Sleeping
Spending time with his Mama when he isn't around
Playing in the snow..when we have it
Going to Tailgates together before he was on the team!
Looking for a puppy to share...I call it a Love Child
Spending time with INA
Lots of snappin pictures of what's going on and sending to each other
Especially when I am at stop lights..I need to stop doing that
Lots of family time and especially traveling as a pack!
Going back to the basics like line creek in PTC
Trips to the lake and man lessons for Jackson
Sweet date nights where we both Dress to Impress each other
Lots of support (like waiting in line for 2 hours to get his autograph!)

It's not easy, but it works.



Parsons said...

you are a sweet little bird! and I love how angry you get when I pretend I don't know what you write and then just end up writing about that! hahaha! I love you so much even with our crazy long distance relationship! i think we have almost always been long distance. we should work on that! I love you my little girl!

Parsons said...

to write

Parsons said...

told ya

Haley Roe said...

haha you are so lame.