Monday, February 7, 2011

Im shining like fireworks over your sad empty town

I feel very blessed. I recently decided to lead a small group with my bestest friend Maggie, and it has seriously ENRICHED my life..and it has only been 2 real weeks so far.

Maggz had the idea of going to Southside Church in PTC and so Chase and I (and Alex when he comes home) jumped on the bandwagon and went. I really liked it! When they talked about community groups we decided to check it out, and here we are now leading an AMAZING group of women.

Seriously I am so excited about these girls, and I can't wait to see how we can grow with each other in Christ. (and bond while watching the Bachelor afterwards..)

This weekend was fun! I haven't been to Athens in a while so I went to visit my better half and ended up shooting a music video the whole time! It was for a christian band called Cleveland. They are amazing, you should check them out...

Sunday was the Superbowl, and we had a little couples partay at Alex's apartment...I guess we were the hosts? We made dip and had lots of goodies out there...I fell asleep towards the end and woke up as Alex was carrying me to my bed! (I really hope I didn't sleep talk in front of our friends) I have started just seriously conking out when I am tired no matter where I am at!

Here's a picture update!

Watching the Superbowl with Kyle and Lisa!
Just goofin off on set!
Kendall and Justin! (look at all that junk food...yucky!)
So in attempt of making me feel better post brown hair, i try to capture moments when i am makeup and hair prepared to just feel better.
Nike Sleeping...I thought it was precious!
Took some time for a little Brick Wall Photo shoot inbetween takes!
Me and my man watching the Superbowl
I like this pic! Very artsy
Ah It's so loud out here!! Maggz nephew Whit as he enters the world..and it's just so dang LOUD!

p.s. Alex and I are trying to find a cruise for Spring break! Any ideas? Its in March..and I have had like 4 dreams about cruises in a I need to book it asap!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the hair. Seriously, love!

Haley Roe said...

Thanks girll!! i need the encouragement. It's a pretty drastic change. miss yoU! :)