Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm done!

Post Procedure I was told to have done the following while coming to from anestesia...

1. Make a very inappropriate comment to the doctor
2. kept pulling my nurses face close to mine
3. talking about the people i met in NY
4. Told and Old lady I met bon jovi and he was old like her
5. Told my mom she reminded me of Cleopatra
6. screamed that I felt funny cuz I never drink and so I have no tolerance
7. Asked the patients if they wanted me to sing for them
8. Waved to everyone I met in the wheelchair on the way out
9. Told the Nurse my mom was in the grandma car
10. Asked and recieved 10 chickfila sauces for my 1 chicken sandwich
11. Laughed uncontrollably and almost peed in my pants

Wish I could remember it!

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