A Dime
Ten Cents.
1/10 of a dollar
1/100 of a $10
What does money mean to you?
I think it is so amazing how the Lord can speak to us in different ways. The most personal intimate part about it is that no one else can really understand when you try to explain it either. It's just a heart thing as I like to say. Well my mom and God...well they gots a funny way of talkin...
My mom finds dimes EVERYWHERE....and she has once she got diagnosed with MS. At first she just thought she was crazy...then she thought it was some sort of sign or omen...and then she thought she should start working with the March of Dimes and still does...but as it continued on and on and on until she finally discovered that it was the Lord's funny way of talking to her...Every time she finds a dime she does a little smile up to heaven and says hello or thank you etc...lately she has been finding dimes after helping others...Now I know this sounds crazy..but it's not just a dime here or there....after 1 month of christmas break my mom had found probably 60 dimes...and it's not just like a bunch of change and she just takes the dimes. It is SOLELY dimes that she finds...haha Yes Lord I love it!
She's just a dime a dozen that mama of mine! haha
Peace and Chicken grease!