I have all sorts of wisdom to pass on after my 16 day trek around Greece, but I was prompted today to just share a message to my girls. Since I don't have a daughter, and my little sister is already engaged, I just want to share this with any lady who decides to read it.
This is not a brag post, or a "our boyfriends are better than yours" attempt. Just feel lucky that when I decided men were the worst breed of creature God created that I shy-ed away from the blog. Because that could have gotten real messy...
Just recently, I have been noticing how men can be amazing. How they can really speak truth into their significant others lives. Here is a picture my friend Victoria shared. If you haven't seen her wedding video, it's gone viral...As in half a million views. Take the 10-15 minutes, Grab our your tissues, and enjoy cuz it's a doozey...but finish reading this post first: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri3EBDvbYXA
She shared this on Insta:
Marriage puts into your spouse's hand a massive power to reprogram your own self appreciation. He or she can overturn anything previously said about you, to a great degree redeeming the past. The love and affirmation of your spouse has to power to heal you of many of the deepest wounds
I love the truth in this. How we are called to build each other up! And how men can really truly be...a huge blessing and necessity in your life. So this post is based off my current boyfriend, as well as some relationships around me that I want to model mine after.
He is supportive of your dreams.
He (attempts) to make you meals based off of your food allergies ...AND he is Not just the guy who will BUY you tampons, but The one who will CARRY them when you decide a purse is a fashion NO for the night.
The one who throws a surprise hula-hoop party for his girlfriend and gets them all to take handstand pics since she is a yogi mermaid princess...
He knows you feel sick at work, so his surprise for you is a bag filled with:
Flowers, Gasx (Ultra strength because he remembers the other kind doesn't work for your IBS stomach), a heating pad, Gingerale, and soup.
The one who buys wine for your roommate for her b-day and doesn't tell you (because it's not meant to impress you, he just really cares about her) and
The one who texts your best friend to ask for Christian book recommendations
The one who hears you say you like the smell of a candle but it's just too much money, so he pays his little sister to get it from the store for you... and
The one who texts your mom to reassure her that I am not on the front lines at war when I am in Greece traveling
The one who takes his lunch break every day to bike home to hold his new daughter.
NOT the one who breaks up because of "DISTANCE" but the one who decides to hop on a motorcycle 6 hours both ways to START dating an amazing girl that made him look twice.
The one who has been married twice as long as I have been alive, and their Facebook profile is of them and their sweetheart...
I feel lucky that this demonstration of love is around me daily and that I can learn how to better love people in return.
When I look at the common denominator in these sweet acts of love, it somehow involves listening. One of the most beautiful things about a relationship is that that person "gets you"...or maybe they just listen. Regardless, when you feel like someone knows you, you feel loved.
So ladies, from 15- 95, wait for someone like that.
That's all.