If I have learned anything about life and love in this season of my life..it would be that there is no RIGHT way to do anything.
There’s no right way to fall in love, and there is no RIGHT way to end something. There’s no reason to why you feel the way you do sometimes, and it’s those little spurts of love and funny feelings that keep us all hoping.
That’s what love is right? Hopeful. Who doesn’t want a love that conquers all. What girl doesn’t want a man to fight for her heart like it’s the most precious piece of Gold on the earth.
I have been lucky enough to have a few men in my life who have treated me that way. First and truest of my affections is my heavenly father…who loved me enough to die for me even though he sees my ugliest of ugly. I have a father on earth who taught me how I deserved to be treated, and had relationships that have been great examples of love. Raw, gritty, true, painful, wonderful love.
Last night a large piece of my heart called and we were able to really reflect, be real, laugh, cry, and share life. Isn’t that what love is about? Those moments that find you, wherever you are, to remind you of a greater hope. Those moments that you never thought would ever be possible..they happen.
These moments make you hopeful for the unknown…hopeful for the unexpected next moment that sweeps you up and shows you something you didn’t know about yourself. Who knows who will steal your breath away, who will steal your heart, or what time will tell.
No, there is no reason..there’s no formula, but it’s those rare moments that remind you that love is never gone…and true love never dies. It just changes.